Located in Houston's Energy Corridor
Copyright © Fleetwood Property Owners Association. All rights reserved.
Fleetwood POA
Alleys Are the Back Entrances to Our Homes
Since our alleys serve as the back entrances to our homes, it is only natural that we should keep them neat and clean. To have them look like a neglected strip of land, does not reflect well on the adjacent homes. On Fleetwood’s north side, Barker’s Landing residents have no idea what the other side of our common fence looks like. It’s up to us, to take care of our alleys! Let your alleys be part of your property. You may even want to plant flowers, monkey grass, grass, or just keep them weeded. There are lots of options. Only one option is out—neglect!
Respect Your Neighbor's Front Lawn & Alley
Most people love dogs and particularly when they come to visit, but most people do not like to find dog’s souvenirs on their front lawn after they visit: Please clean up after your dog! Some Fleetwood residents are still not cleaning up after their dog, when they go on their daily walk. Your neighbors and their children walk in the streets and alleys.
It’s just unsanitary and nasty to leave dog poop behind.